See our latest article on this topic, here.

Exporting to Russia is a fairly complicated process, but not impossible. If Russia is a potential export destination for your company’s products, you’ll need to carefully consider the challenges of U.S. export restrictions and sanctions that limit trade.

U.S. exports to Russia totaled $4.9 billion in 2020, a decline of 15.6% from 2019 likely due to increasing export restrictions and sanctions. 2020年最大的出口商品行业是机械和机械设备(30%).2%); chemicals, plastics, and leather products (22.4%); and transportation equipment (20.3%).

As the world’s 11th largest economy, Russia has the largest land mass of any country with a population of 144 million. Opportunities for trade do exist, 尽管面临挑战, 因此,请仔细考虑俄罗斯是否是您的产品和服务的可行市场.

Increasing Export Restrictions and Sanctions for Russia

U.S. 近年来,由于俄罗斯在乌克兰(特别是克里米亚)的军事侵略等活动,对俄罗斯的出口管制限制和制裁变得更加严格。, its use of chemical weapons, and cybersecurity threats. The U.S. 作为回应,美国通过工业和安全局(BIS)的《欧博app下载》(EAR),对俄罗斯的能源和国防部门施加了更多的出口限制。. The U.S. 还增加了由外国资产控制办公室(OFAC)管理的金融制裁,. Export restrictions target people, industries, and organizations in Russia. 对俄罗斯政府重要的行业(如国防)已实施了行业制裁, oil and gas, 金融服务业.

Overall, export restrictions for Russia are the tightest they have been in 25 years, with more restrictions likely to come. 此外,根据第126条,今年早些时候还增加了对俄罗斯的武器禁运.1 of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Some exceptions remain in place, primarily for items used for space program cooperation between the U.S. 和俄罗斯政府.

Despite these challenges, 有了适当的许可证,向俄罗斯出口许多物品的机会仍然存在, or without the need for a license under certain exceptions. If you are considering expanding your export market to Russia, 你应该留意现行的法规和制裁,并有非常严格的出口合规管制.



Many items on the Commerce Control List (CCL) require a license to export to Russia, 但也有一些没有, so it pays to do your research. Sometimes, 很简单,600系列出口管制分类编号(ecns)管制的国防相关物品和9X515系列出口管制分类编号(ecns)管制的航天相关物品都需要许可证. 两用物品, which make up the bulk of ECCNs, the need for a license depends on the specific classification. In the case of certain items identified in Supplement No. 2 to Part 746 as particularly useful in the Russian energy industry, 如果物项将直接或间接用于勘探, 或生产, oil or gas in Russian deep water (greater than 500 feet), Arctic offshore locations, or shale formations in Russia, 或者出口商无法确定该物项是否将用于上述目的.

Nearly all items subject to the EAR have required a license for export, reexport, or transfer to Crimea since 2015.

Unfortunately for exporters, it is now harder to get a license for export to Russia. 对于出于国家安全原因和某些其他情况而控制的物品,国际清算银行正在遵循“否认推定”. 企业必须提供令人信服的理由,说明为什么它们应该获得向俄罗斯出口产品的许可证, even more so when facing such a negative licensing policy.

The U.S. 取消了以前允许某些物品无需许可证就可以出口到俄罗斯的一些例外情况. For example, 许可例外civv之前授权给国家组D:1的某些物品,当它们同时用于民用最终用途和民用最终用户时. However, this exception was eliminated in 2020 for all countries, including Russia. BIS最近还暂停了俄罗斯的三个例外许可证,特别是rpl(用于更换零件和维修项目)。, TSU (technology and software, unrestricted), 和APR(额外许可再出口)-尽管这些例外情况仍然适用于其他目的地. 许可例外 RPL and TSU are in wide use. Exporters should be aware that although public notice was given by BIS, 这些许可证异常暂停没有写入EAR的相应部分中.

New BIS Military-Intelligence End Use/End User Rule

2021年1月,BIS发布了一项临时最终规则,该规则于2021年3月16日生效. 根据第744条.22 of the EAR, the interim final rule imposes a license requirement on exports, reexports, 以及根据军事情报最终用途/最终用户(MIEU)规则转让的物品. 该规则反映了军事最终用途/最终用户(MEU)规则,如果知道出口到俄罗斯和其他七个国家的物品的预期军事情报最终用途或最终用户,则需要获得许可证.

Military-intelligence end use is defined as the development, production, operation, installation (including on-site installation), 维护(检查), repair, overhaul, 或翻新, 或者合并到, items described on the U.S. Munitions List (USML) under 22 CFR, part 121, of ITAR. 亦受规管以“A018”或600系列结尾的eccn分类项目, 哪些旨在支持本节中定义的军事情报最终用户的行动或功能. Under the interim final rule, 如果出口商知道被禁止的军事情报最终用途或最终用户,则必须申请许可证, which is not always easy to determine.

ITAR Arms Embargo on Russia

The US imposed an arms embargo on Russia early in 2021, so any item controlled under the ITAR needs a license for export to Russia. 现有的许可证仍然有效,除非你的公司被国防贸易管制局(DDTC)通知。. (IFO)协议的进一步修订和许可也受新的许可政策的约束. A few exceptions remain in place, primarily for items used in space cooperation programs between the two governments. Applications for these items are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

This change has created some additional complications for U.S. companies. 现在,如果你的员工中有一名俄罗斯工程师,那么获得许可证就会变得更加困难,而获得批准使用itar控制的技术也更具挑战性, 两者都适用。.S. 公司和非美国公司.S. companies. ITAR还要求,如果涉嫌违法行为与受武器禁运的国家有关,就必须向国务院报告. If anyone is aware of actions, either inadvertent or deliberate, that are done with regard to Russia, they now are required to report these actions.

Where to Find More Information

Despite these challenges, there many opportunities still exist to export items to Russia, but you must have stringent export controls in place. 欲知更多有关出口规例及制裁的资料,请浏览以下网页:

U.S. export restrictions and sanctions on Russia are targeted and multi-layered. 出于这个原因, 出口必须谨慎进行,要求出口管制分类号码(ecns)或EAR99分类是正确的. 出口商必须特别注意最终用途和最终用户,因为它们可能影响许可证要求. 申请许可证的过程需要对交易各方进行密切审查,以了解他们是否在任何制裁名单上, or if they are owned by another entity that is on a sanctions list.

向俄罗斯出口的整个过程现在也需要更大程度的行政关注. 跟上不断变化的规则和制裁似乎是一个复杂而艰巨的过程. ECTI涵盖出口到俄罗斯在欧博app下载所有的现场研讨会和欧博app下载的许多按需电子研讨会. Non-U.S. attendees can access this material at our live seminars conducted outside the U.S. 并通过欧博app下载的非美国.S. e-seminars. Check out our latest tools & 这里的资源.

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Scott Gearity is President of ECTI, Inc.
